The One
For everyone there will come a time where people will keep asking these following question :
1. When are you getting married? For the single aged 23 ladies.
2. Do you want me introduce someone to you? These are for people who aren't in a relationship.
3. Shouldn't you have a boyfriend now? Cause you don't have one.
4. If your too picky you miss all the good ones! Still, because your single.
Well let me answer these questions personally:
1. I still haven't The One who can be the Imam after we're married.
2. I know that Allah has someone for me, maybe I have/haven't met him yet.
3. I don't want to be in a pointless relationship that has no plans for the future.
4. I'm not picky, I just want to find someone who will guide me and support my beliefs.
Doesn't everyone want someone like this?