My Words, My Say, I'll do it My Way~

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Just bored.....

Boring day, classes are just tedious and boring.....

Catering gets better every class not that's its boring ( truthfully it kinda is ) hahaha......

sorry la sir, no offense but i hate morning classes and doesn't fit my schedule, as if i had one

even if i had one, i wouldn't let it rule my life...... i want to live with my terms not by someone

else's, but it's hard since most of my life was already decided by my parents........

luckily, i had enough guts to make a change in my life, if not i'd be still at the same place

not where i am now, not growing, not learning and knowing more about this vast world.....

lucking through the world on my terms and views makes me more independent and mature

just a little but it's better than nothing, right?

Looking forward for the upcoming reunion, hopefully all my old friends will be there.....


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