My Words, My Say, I'll do it My Way~

Friday, October 26, 2012

Aidil Adha = sacrifice

As you know on this particular day of the year is when the muslim's gather to celebrate Eid.

In the memory of the prophet Ibrahim who was willing to sacrifice Prophet Ismail to follow Allah's wishes, however Allah the Almighty replaced Ismail with a goat to replace him. This is only one sentence to summarize the whole story.

A friend of mine updated her status about sacrificing her bad behaviour to replace the sacrifice cattle, etc.
In life, people collect a lot of things during their journey.
It could be excessive amounts of bad behaviour that can wear down a person.
It could be good manner, a pleasant behaviour that can uplift a person.

Sacrifice =  1.  Endure the loss of
                  2.  Kill or destroy
                  3.  Sell at a loss
                  4.  Make a sacrifice of ; in religious rituals

1. I sacrificed my feelings so that I can be a more patient person to my family.
2. I sacrificed my ego so that I can work together with other people.
3. I sacrificed my needs to fulfil other people's needs ahead of mine.
4. I sacrificed my bad behaviour in hopes of being a better person.

The value of a sacrifice differs to each person, as no one is the same as two peas in a pod.
So, if you know that someone is sacrificing something they have for you,
appreciate them, to you it might something mundane but for the person who is sacrificing it,
it may be something that might be equally important but they put you as a much important matter in their life!

Happy Eid!


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