My Words, My Say, I'll do it My Way~

Monday, March 25, 2013

That Winter The Wind Blows

That Winter The Wind Blows,
Suddenly brings back memories that are left forgotten,
Friendship that are frozen, unchanging and constant,
Meetings of fate are created by chances and opportunities,
Bonds of trust cemented over the years of relationship,
Words and actions that are often unspoken and never showed,
Are simply understood between us,
Years of separation,
Even though years pass us by,
Beauty fades, calls become less frequent,
Time and place creates obstacles,
But people who love by heart,
People who live by trust,
People who are connected by the bonds of Jannah,
Will always be together,
Connected at heart forever,
If the last time that we meet,
Was truly the last time,
Then, I'm glad I've had the honour and privilege of calling you my friend !


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