My Words, My Say, I'll do it My Way~

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Cloud 7

That sunday....

I had a high fever ( 39.1 ), headache, the flu and i was coughing my lungs out......

so, later that evening i went to the seberang jaya hospital..... and u know what? they didn't

even give me a mc leave..... my oh my.... like i was healthy enough
for classes....

Monday came....

And i was still on cloud 7, very2 blurred... like high or drunk....felt like my whole body

was on fire....classes was like a drag.... the kitchen? i can't even describe it with words....

that night my fever rose to a higher tempt. luckily i have a subs mom here, so she took care

of me....i can be rather difficult when i'm sick and really childish... so, thank u for being

patient with me....


Omg, we have law.... why do we even have to learn about law?

to make us more??? Economics??? I hlovate studying.......


Blogger m c d @ h said...

kan org dah cakap..jgn g pc fair.

August 13, 2009 at 2:58 PM  

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