My Words, My Say, I'll do it My Way~

Saturday, August 1, 2009

International Cuisine..........

Our Beloved Lecturer : Chef Syuhardy....

International Cuisine.....

1. Spain Norsya
2. Italy Dendson
3. French Asma'
4. Germany
5. America & South America
6. Africa K. Nor
7. Mediterranean
8. New Zealand & Australia Jiha & Me
9. Middle East Mira
10. India
11. Japan Mas
12. China
13. South East Asia
14. International Cuisine Buffet

First week spain cuisine....

Made desserts with asma n mas idayu.....

- Almond Snap ( is supposed to be bake with a synthetic mat so that
it doesn't stick to the surface and makes it more easier to be shaped )
- Fritters ( finished product looks like a keropok lekor )
- Rice Pudding ( you bake the rice pudding and it looks like a cake? sort of like a cake because
of the mold used )
- there was a biscuit but i don't remember the name....

Second week italy cuisine....

Made pasta spaghetti in roasted tomato sauce...
basicly it's spaghetti sauce that's been baked in the oven with herbs and spices


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